Improvement of the school environment and promotion of child rights through media with Right4Children – Project 012

IMG 0735

Project 012 / 2024 – 2028


The project is a continuation of the successful collaboration with Right4Children, established in 2013 to empower vulnerable children, youth, and women. Building on the achievements of the previous framework (2019-2023), the project aims to tackle persistent challenges in Nepal's education sector. Focusing on creating child-friendly environments, improving infrastructure, and enhancing teaching methods, the project strives to contribute to the broader goal of providing quality education.


  • Key objectives: The project's primary objectives include improving children’s access to education, strengthening school capacities for enhanced teaching and learning, and fostering students' self-confidence through participation in extracurricular activities.


  • The main activities are focused on enhancing the school infrastructure through classroom renovations, improvements in water and sanitation facilities, and the creation of play spaces and sports facilities. Additionally, teacher training programs emphasize innovative teaching methods, active learning approaches, and the integration of technology as an educational tool. The project also supports communities in fostering a conducive learning environment by raising parental awareness about education and promoting community participation in the educational process.

Project details

€ 463 159 in 5 years

The project will impact 41 community schools in Hupsekot Rural Municipality, benefiting over 5,000 students, 300 teachers, and approximately 2,000 parents. The comprehensive support to 20-25 schools will have a ripple effect, positively influencing the remaining schools in various ways.

Right4Children, established in 2013, is committed to empowering vulnerable populations. With a dynamic executive board and a team of 24 experienced staff, the organization has successfully implemented four projects, including the Child Friendly School initiative. Their expertise in the education sector, specifically in improving school environments, positions them as a valuable partner.

  • Located in the Hupsekot rural municipality, Nawalpur district, Gandaki province.
  • Population of 35,000 to 40,000, mainly from the Magar ethnic community.
  • 41 community schools out of a total of 47 in the region.

Rights of the child


Gender equality



Link to our partner

IMG 3919
