Livelihoods Improvement for Persons with Disabilities, Marginalized and Poor in Palpa (LIPP) with Forward Looking – Project 024


Project 024 / 2024 – 2028


The project aims to address the challenges faced by persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Palpa district, Nepal, as highlighted in the recent National Census 2021. With 3.2% of the total population in Palpa having disabilities, the project targets Rampur Municipality, Tansen Municipality, Rambha Rural Municipality, and Tinahu Rural Municipality. PWDs encounter difficulties in accessing public services, facing social stigma, and struggling with uncooperative family and community behaviors. The project builds on Forward Looking's expertise, focusing on advocacy, education, vocational training, and economic empowerment to break the cycle of poverty and improve the lives of PWDs.


  • Key objectives: The primary objective is to contribute to poverty alleviation by enhancing the skills, economic empowerment, and youth employment of PWDs in Palpa. Through targeted interventions, the project seeks to improve the participation and inclusion of PWDs in community activities, empower them to advocate for their rights, and increase their income and employment opportunities. The envisioned outcomes include heightened awareness in Palpa district regarding PWDs' rights, strengthened advocacy groups, improved vocational skills, increased income from various livelihood activities, and enhanced youth employment through On-the-Job Training.


  • The main activities involve raising awareness and advocating for the rights of disadvantaged individuals through local advocacy groups. Educational sessions highlight the fundamental rights of the underprivileged. Organizational capacity building is achieved through regular training sessions, promoting autonomy and effective resource management. Skills enhancement includes practical training in sustainable agriculture, horticulture, hairstyling, and sewing, fostering food security, income generation, employment, and entrepreneurship. Income generation encompasses grants, advice, and financial support to encourage environmentally friendly practices and assist in establishing businesses.

Project details

€ 150 051

The project aims to reach 240 direct beneficiaries, including 48 PWDs annually. Beneficiaries will receive training in livestock and agriculture, beauty parlor skills, tailoring, and On-the-Job Training. Additionally, the project plans to form an advocacy group and celebrate Disability Day annually, engaging around 100 participants each year.

Forward Looking (FL) is a local association that works for the autonomy of disabled people in Nepal. They fight for improving the way that disabled people are viewed and treated in society. To achieve this, they lead generative initiatives of revenues, of capacity reinforcement and of education for disabled people, as well as education projects and campaigns for making the public aware of the problems that disabled people face every day. 

  • The project is concentrated in the Palpa district, covering the municipalities of Rampur and Tansen, as well as the rural municipalities of Rambha and Tinahu.
  • This concentration enables targeted intervention and minimises administrative costs for sustainable results.

Equal opportunities




Link to our partner

FL (2)
Forward Looking
