Reintegration and education support for young people and community development in rural areas with Umbrella Nepal – Project 014
Project 014 / 2019 – 2023
The goal of the new program of Umbrella is, to finalize the project that has been supported until now (reintegration of the young adults from the Umbrella Homes back into their communities) and to launch two new projects founded on the experience, that Umbrella has accumulated over the last years.
The reintegrated children (60) and the young adults that have been supported by the Next Step Education Program (30) need financial support in order to have access to education. The children and young adults that have been reintegrated into their families continue to receive financial support. This will make sure that their families are capable to provide them appropriate care, and that they can go to school with the necessary material.
The young adults of NSEP (that don’t live with their families) need an additional support, so that they can live independently. The field staff regularly supervises the children to make sure that they develop in a healthy and good manner. Furthermore, workshops for the personal and social development as well as career development will be held to guide them. This project is not continued, as the young adults progressively quit the support they receive once they reach the maximum age and Umbrella does not include new children into their homes.
Two new projects will be launched:
- In Nepal, young adults don’t receive advice or necessary information regarding carrier plans or how to become independent, after completion of their education. Furthermore, other problems and subjects that concern those age groups are not treated either as for example reproductive health, migration and peer pressure. This can lead to making wrong choices at important parts of life. There are no services, that provide information and advice, nor is there an additional service for children that left a care centre and have no other choice than to live by themselves. In this regard, a pilot project will be launched with the goal of providing information and advice as well as other support systems to at least 250 young individuals that have completed grade ten or are leaving their support home. The strategy for this project is to open a small centre, where young adult can go to and receive informative advice to a wide range of questions.
- A second new project will be launched in 2022 regarding the subject of community autonomy, trying to improve various aspects of the community (especially access to education and improving the quality of schools) to determine if a holistic approach targeting a small community can have an impact on child trafficking and migration. For the community support, scholarships will be provided to 75 children, generative agriculture trainings will be given to 50 families, teacher trainings will be organized and 2 schools will be supported (small infrastructural improvements and support for the association parents/teachers).
Project details
365 440 €
- 90 young reintegrated adults
- 250 young individuals having completed grade 10
- A complete community of the Syangja district : 75 young adults, 50 families and 2 schools
Umbrella Organization Nepal (UON) is a charitable organization that strives for reducing the impact of trafficking, poverty and war on Nepalese children through projects that promote education, reintegration and community development.
UON has been working in child protection through care homes for displaced children since 2005 and has been reintegrating children and young adult since 2011. They constantly review and update their proceeding methods based on their gained knowledge in order to have effective policies to help reintegrated children and their families. The director of the program of UON has been responsible for the reintegration before and has a lot of years of experience in all the aspects of reintegration: in looking for families and the evaluation of different case to the preparation of monitoring plans.
UON also works in close collaboration with local competent authorities in order to define their interference in a correct and appropriated manner.
They have been selected by Unicef to be their executive partner in various districts, that have been affected by the earthquake in 2015, which enables them to conduct holistic projects for the whole of the community.
Equal opportunities
Human rights
Decent work
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