Support and monitoring of children of prisonners with Prisoners Assistance Nepal – Project 017
Project 017 / 2019 – 2023
The project is divided in various main and complementary parts:
- Reception and monitoring of the homes: objective to provide a favourable familial environment to 80 children, whose parents are in prison, together with safe and secure accommodations, a nutritious and balanced diet, medical and sanitary instalments and a quality education, that will be adapted to the children’s unique physical and mental needs: 50 children will be monitored in the Home in Sankhu, 10 children will be monitored in the Home in Palpa and 20 children will be monitored in the Home in Jhapa
- Reception and monitoring of the different day-care homes: objective to provide day-care centres with programs for early childhood development, as well as a nutritious diet in an environment appropriate to children, for 25 children of prisoners that are too young to be separated from their mothers.
- Reintegration Program: objective of restoring the bonds between the children and their families and to provide them support so that they can continue with their education and receive a job with good life conditions beyond the support of the home.
Project details
335 354 €
115 children and young adults per year
Prisoners Assistance (PA Nepal), is an organization with the goal of providing support and care to Nepalese prisoners and their children. They retrieve the children from the hostile environment and put them in an appropriate place, where they receive adequate care and monitoring.
In 18 years of working, the organization was able to create a significant impact in society and to extent to most of the regions in Nepal. PA Nepal counts more than ten child centres in Jhapa, Palpa, Bhaktapur, Sankhu, NayaBazar and other regions in Nepal. Currently they are taking care of more than 200 children in the different homes.
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