"Népal, pays de contrastes" at Fortuna Bank

participants making organic manure

Nepal is a fascinating country, where meet many ethnic groups and cultures, tradition and modernity, the crowd of the city and the calm of the remote villages, the highest mountains of the world and a dense and wild jungle.
The exhibition "Nepal, country of contrasts" from the ONGD-FNEL brings together images taken by Marc Hammer and will make you travel to the heart of this country and its multiple facets, to better understand it.

The exhibition will take place in the Fortuna Bank (130-132 bd de la Pétrusse in Luxembourg) from 9th of November 2020 up to 29th of January 2021.

Price - Free

Contact information: 

Phone: 26480441

E-mail: camille@ongd-fnel.lu

Internet: https://www.ongd-fnel.lu
